School Visits

Our tours are free of charge.  

Led by our experienced staff we will offer the following Key Stage I and II tours here at the Museum. All tours are subject to staff availability

To enquire about any of the following tours, please contact

Tour 1 The Barrow Story
Tour 2 From Farm to Furnace, looking at the growth of Victorian Barrow
Tour 3 Barrow’s Blitz, Barrow during the Second World War
Tour 4 Discover the museum, find out more about our amazing objects and building
Barrow Island Visit
School Tour

Please visit the Dock Museum ahead of your visit to carry out your own risk assessment.  Be aware that there is deep water on the museum site.  You can use this document as a basis for your own risk assessment.  

Lunch can be eaten outside on the picnic tables or inside if the weather is bad.

Although tours are free, donations are appreciated to help continue the service.  Recommended donation: £20. 

We are happy to help in any way and discuss your visit further.